Monday, May 18, 2015

Apod 4.8

APOD 4.8
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This picture is so astounding. It looks like a volcanoe erupting in the night sky. Even though that is the milky way galaxy, just the picture of a volcanoe is just so cool! This was taken in Hawaii at Mauna Kea. This picture also looks so cool because the ground is rocky then their is a cloudy landscape right under it. Also because they are above most of the layers of the atmosphere, it is easier to view space. The bright lights coming up frmo the clouds are the lights of the famous city Kiauea and Mauna Loa.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Apod 4.7

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This picture looks so amazing. When I imagine space I think of it as an ocean. A vast ocean that contains everything in the world. Coincidently it also has some of the same properties in it. For example there is no gravity in space or water, you cannot breathe in space, However there are some differences too. For example space you cannot move you will just fall, and space is very cold, and space contains billions of different objects. This picture for one is the whirlpool Galaxy. It follows he handle of the big dipper. It is one of the Messier objects, to be exact the 51st one. This galaxy is interesting, for example it has spiral arms and a magellenic cloud coming out from it. A cool thing about galaxies is that in the center there has to be something with enough gravity to forces everything into it. The only thing that has that much gravity is a black hole. That is why this picture looks like a tidal wave because the black hole is condeseing all this material into a certain spot. The spiral arms are just side effects created by the gravity. There is also what is called tidal debris, it is that white looking stuff coming out of the cloud and the arms. This debris helps stars form and makes a galaxy a galaxy.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Apod 4.6

                                                                                                                                Apod 4.6
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This is a massive nearby spiral galaxy. IT is cataloged NGC 2841. It was taken by the Hubble and Subaru telescope with Roberto Colombari. This galaxy is a whopping 46 million light-years distant. It is just above the constellation Ursa Major which is also called the bear. It also has a messier object in it. At our point of view we can see that this galaxy has a bright center, that is basically a nucleus of the entire thing. This galaxy's spiral arms are not as long as some other ones. For example, the sombrero galaxy. But going back to this galaxy, it has a diameter of over 150,000 light years. This picture is also not in visible light. This is because this galaxy is most likely blocked by interstellar matter, which is dust and other elements. Nonetheless this galaxy has a quaint but elegant halo on it. This picture is just so stellar. It looks like an explosion is about to happen. Like all the matter is coming into one spot then rebounds with an explosion. Much like how a red supergiant explodes. It gets so heavy that it cant contain every thing and reaches the chandraskar mass and then rebounds. With a supern ova explosion.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Apod 4.5

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APOD 4.5

This extended shot of a total solar eclipse was taken over Svalbard, Norway. The picture had an interval of 3 minutes. It was a perfect interval, as you can see all the stages of the eclipse. Then the total eclipse looks like a gem in the sky. It is just so brilliant and elegant. This attraction was huge with eclipse seekers. Not only is this a rare event but it is also in a underpopulated place. The moon is the black dot in the middle. The shining ring around it is the suns corona. The suns corona is a peculiar aspect of it. In the layers of the sun it's supposed to get cooloer as it reaches its surface. It does, until it hits the corona, the corona layer heats up to 10 million Kelven. Thats 2/3 the way to fusion. The next total eclipse is going to happen in 2016 March. This will be visible form the Southeast Asia. Another cool aspect of this picture is that it has the lapse of each stage of the eclipse.

Friday, April 17, 2015

APOD 4.4

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Giant Trees
This picture was taken by Niccolo Bonfadini. These giant pillars of snow and ice are not mounds of it. These are actually trees covered in snow and ice. To me they look like giant santa hats iwth the little ball at the top. This picture was taken in Finnish Lapland a few winters ago. One could percieve these treese to be aliens at night. These trees are truly very spooky and would be very cool (get it cause its cold) to see in person.

Friday, April 10, 2015

apod 4.3

Apod 4.3
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This picture must have been taken by a professional. It looks awe inspiring. ne can see the shadows play on the water and that is reflecting the lights from the brdge. Another cool aspect of this picture is the main attraction, the lunar eclpise. This is one of the four that have happened this year. It is the 3rd of the eclispse tetrad. This is one of the shortest lunar eclipse this century.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

APOD 4.2

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Apparently scientists have been attempting to figure out how cows will survive on the moon. They also apparently have been studying this for decades. But after a long time they created the Lunar Grazing Model or LGM. The thing is, is that cows don't launch easily or cheaply, and there is no plan to launch cows into space yet. Astronomers think that rovers would be a more suitable way to explore planets. This picture is actually a sculpture called Mooooonwalk, which is apparently incredibly popular in museums. Btw NASA has not been planing to launch any cows into space, and this is an April Fools prank.