Sunday, October 19, 2014

Observation Post # 4 EP. 201 Titan

Titan is Saturn's largest moon, and it is the second largest moon in our solar system. This moon is unique is because it has an atmosphere. In 1655, Christiaan Huygens found Saturn's moons, or at least Titan. In 1887, a guy decided to name the moons as titans. Titan is bigger then The moon,and is bigger than Mercury, the volume and radius is. This is humongous! If Titan was orbiting the Son, than it would be a planet.
Titan's is made of Hydro-Carbon, and it produces Methane for an unknown reason. Its atmosphere is really thick, and the top layer of the atmosphere repels light, but if some do make it, it creates a greenhouse effect when penetrating the thick atmosphere. Titan has low gravity, thick atmosphere, creates a world that you could actually fly. On Titan, Methane is able to exist as a liquid, acting like our water system, but with Methane. Titan is also one of the most explored places in the solar system.
The Cassini-Huygens mission that's goal was to go to Titan and explore the moon Titan. Unfortunately Titan is dark and it was hard to take pictures.
When astronomers say things are methane-rich, they are talking about 1 or 2% rich of methane. Evidence for life requires extraordinary process, but Titan has not shown this this nor Mars. In the future astrologist plan to go to Saturn.
Titan is similar to Earth's primordial state. This means that Titan could pose as an explanation for how we were created, how life was created. The only drawback is that Titan is much colder than Earth was. Life can still start on Titan if the right chemical process happens, there could be life on Titan.
All in all, Titan is a very unique planet, that might lead us to how Earth started. Titan has an atmosphere, but is not a planet, which makes it even more crucial to study. It has a thick atmosphere, so little sun penetrates it, but once the light is in the moon, it cannot get out.

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