Friday, October 17, 2014

APOD 1.8

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                                                APOD 1,8

In  KvaløyaTromsøNorway, a spectacular even was taking place a month ago. This is a auroral corona, it is an Aurora. Normally these auroras do not reach below  sixty kilometers. An aurora is formed when electrons and protons bump into atoms in the Earth's atmosphere. I find this picture very interesting because it does not look like a normal aurora that I have seen before. This one overlaps its self, or it seems like that to me. It is also like a tent, /\ with the person in the middle taking the picture. This just is very intriguing to me. I also like the colors that this aurora represents. This aurora was able to be seen at a lower position than most other ones. This photo was taken at the Sessoyfjorden Fjord, and u can also see many stars in the background of this spectacular event.

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