Thursday, October 16, 2014

EP. 324: Sun Grazers Observation Blog # 3

Sun Grazers look like a tail across the sky. These are comets. The sun grazers all belong to the quartz sun grazers family. A long time ago, a big comet went around the sun and fragmented. These fragments are part of astronomical events happening since the 1800s. The Great Comet of 1843, had a tail of approximately 4 moons wide or 2 degrees. This was just a fragment of the original comet. People speculate that these comets could be from the the Great Comet of 1106, which may have been the original comet.
A sun grazer is a comet that gets between the Mercury sun distance, and get closer to the Earth than the moon. Wow that is really close can you imagine if these hit us. These comets are experiencing tidal forces which pull and push to rip apart these comets. The comet has to use its chemical properties to hold itself together. Comets are also made of frozen elements, which is the reason why you can see the a comets tail.
They are  also getting beaten by the solar winds, these are not that effective as the other factors. These winds come from the Sun.
You can simulate a comet using an experiment that is located at
Comets are often very tiny, such as 1 meter big. There have been over 2400 sun grazers found.The fragments have different velocity, which allows us to see more comets every year. A whole new family of sun grazers may also be created in time.
Comets can die by diving into celestial bodies, or by eroding from too many cycles around the Sun. We need to know more data about how comets die. Sun watching satellites have different goals to accomplish. Some may detect particles or detect sun grazers. The comet Soho has been an important comet for observing. The minor planet center logs if the object in space have been found, if it has not then the comet is named after yourself.

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