Thursday, October 16, 2014

Observation Blog #1 EP 319: The Zodiac

             This show talks about what a zodiac is and how astronomers use them. The astronomers use the constellations as bench marks to locate items. The zodiac is a group of constellations that form a whole variety of different animals and humans that the sun passes through and changes the alignment of those stars. They said that the current constellations names go back very far. In fact back to Ptolemy. They say that it is funny because, the chart of the constellation is not accurate enough to make precise predictions. For example Virgo the zodiac symbol lasts for 45 days, that means that I could be a Virgo not a Cancer. Astronomers use the Zodiac as a map of the sky, the use them to find objects in space. They say they name objects in the sky with a Latin letter. The name many things, such as the Age of Aquarius. They say we have to keep track of the position where we are, because its always changing.
              Many cultures created constellations because it represented something important to them. For example the Chinese created zodiac depended on what month you are. Then they talked about a story about a horoscope. This is interesting the only celestial object that acts upon us is the moon. Its force is known as high tide and low tide.

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