This is a computer generated picture of what a black hole would look like. As you can see there is a circle of light surrounding it. This is created because black holes have such immense gravity, that it literally sucks light into it. This makes it distorted and bent. Because of this bent light you will see unusual distortions. An interesting fact is that black holes are believed to be the densest state of matter. The background of the computer generated black hole was taken by the 2MASS infrared sky survey, However no one has ever seen what a black hole looks like when entering, this is because you get torn to pieces because of the gravity it has. Another interesting fact is that black holes are worm holes, meaning they lead to somewhere else in space. If learn how to go through these black holes and survive, we could in the future create space travel, and might even see a new organism.
Friday, October 31, 2014
APOD 2.1
APOD 2.1

This is a computer generated picture of what a black hole would look like. As you can see there is a circle of light surrounding it. This is created because black holes have such immense gravity, that it literally sucks light into it. This makes it distorted and bent. Because of this bent light you will see unusual distortions. An interesting fact is that black holes are believed to be the densest state of matter. The background of the computer generated black hole was taken by the 2MASS infrared sky survey, However no one has ever seen what a black hole looks like when entering, this is because you get torn to pieces because of the gravity it has. Another interesting fact is that black holes are worm holes, meaning they lead to somewhere else in space. If learn how to go through these black holes and survive, we could in the future create space travel, and might even see a new organism.
This is a computer generated picture of what a black hole would look like. As you can see there is a circle of light surrounding it. This is created because black holes have such immense gravity, that it literally sucks light into it. This makes it distorted and bent. Because of this bent light you will see unusual distortions. An interesting fact is that black holes are believed to be the densest state of matter. The background of the computer generated black hole was taken by the 2MASS infrared sky survey, However no one has ever seen what a black hole looks like when entering, this is because you get torn to pieces because of the gravity it has. Another interesting fact is that black holes are worm holes, meaning they lead to somewhere else in space. If learn how to go through these black holes and survive, we could in the future create space travel, and might even see a new organism.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Observation Post # 4 EP. 201 Titan
Titan is Saturn's largest moon, and it is the second largest moon in our solar system. This moon is unique is because it has an atmosphere. In 1655, Christiaan Huygens found Saturn's moons, or at least Titan. In 1887, a guy decided to name the moons as titans. Titan is bigger then The moon,and is bigger than Mercury, the volume and radius is. This is humongous! If Titan was orbiting the Son, than it would be a planet.
Titan's is made of Hydro-Carbon, and it produces Methane for an unknown reason. Its atmosphere is really thick, and the top layer of the atmosphere repels light, but if some do make it, it creates a greenhouse effect when penetrating the thick atmosphere. Titan has low gravity, thick atmosphere, creates a world that you could actually fly. On Titan, Methane is able to exist as a liquid, acting like our water system, but with Methane. Titan is also one of the most explored places in the solar system.
The Cassini-Huygens mission that's goal was to go to Titan and explore the moon Titan. Unfortunately Titan is dark and it was hard to take pictures.
When astronomers say things are methane-rich, they are talking about 1 or 2% rich of methane. Evidence for life requires extraordinary process, but Titan has not shown this this nor Mars. In the future astrologist plan to go to Saturn.
Titan is similar to Earth's primordial state. This means that Titan could pose as an explanation for how we were created, how life was created. The only drawback is that Titan is much colder than Earth was. Life can still start on Titan if the right chemical process happens, there could be life on Titan.
All in all, Titan is a very unique planet, that might lead us to how Earth started. Titan has an atmosphere, but is not a planet, which makes it even more crucial to study. It has a thick atmosphere, so little sun penetrates it, but once the light is in the moon, it cannot get out.
Titan's is made of Hydro-Carbon, and it produces Methane for an unknown reason. Its atmosphere is really thick, and the top layer of the atmosphere repels light, but if some do make it, it creates a greenhouse effect when penetrating the thick atmosphere. Titan has low gravity, thick atmosphere, creates a world that you could actually fly. On Titan, Methane is able to exist as a liquid, acting like our water system, but with Methane. Titan is also one of the most explored places in the solar system.
The Cassini-Huygens mission that's goal was to go to Titan and explore the moon Titan. Unfortunately Titan is dark and it was hard to take pictures.
When astronomers say things are methane-rich, they are talking about 1 or 2% rich of methane. Evidence for life requires extraordinary process, but Titan has not shown this this nor Mars. In the future astrologist plan to go to Saturn.
Titan is similar to Earth's primordial state. This means that Titan could pose as an explanation for how we were created, how life was created. The only drawback is that Titan is much colder than Earth was. Life can still start on Titan if the right chemical process happens, there could be life on Titan.
All in all, Titan is a very unique planet, that might lead us to how Earth started. Titan has an atmosphere, but is not a planet, which makes it even more crucial to study. It has a thick atmosphere, so little sun penetrates it, but once the light is in the moon, it cannot get out.
Solar Flares Astronomy Cast 11/19/2013 321 #2
The sun has an 11 year cycle. In this cycle there are times when the sun is "unruly". These unruly emotion, is caused from the sunspots on the sun. These sunspots are amazing to watch. A solar flare is caused because, when the sun makes its magnetic poles inside out, and reaches this phase called a solar maximum. In this phase, field lines are created and these create helix lines that are solar flares. This is caused when the magnetic field line attaches and reattaches.
An example of this is when you have a spoonful on spaghetti and then pull it, u will never get a single strand but a whole clump.
These solar flares have an energy equivalent of millions of hydrogen bombs exploding at once. This is only ten percent of the suns energy. The charge of the suns flare creates a magnetic field that we can feel. This process takes only a few seconds, however because of the speed of light it takes it eight minutes to hit us.
Satellites in space detect particles from the Sun, this is vital, because if these particles hit the astronauts, they will have radiation poisoning of some kind. These satellites can detect these particles fifteen minutes apart.
They talked about how the first people on the moon were lucky that the sun's flares weren't constantly erupting. These flares have different levels of power. These are measured in satellites and in Pico-meters. These are measured from A being the weakest and so on. However the Earth can only take so much; our atmosphere would change over time. The biggest flare was the (Karangtin?) flare. This flare looked like a sea serpent or slugs put together. Then it flashed out in white light, this was important because most flares are not in visible light.
Solar flares are a factor in Auroras. A year ago a Solar flare took out the power grid. This was referred to as the Quebec blackout. Solar flares can take out the power for about two hours. This can be deadly in cold places.
An example of this is when you have a spoonful on spaghetti and then pull it, u will never get a single strand but a whole clump.
These solar flares have an energy equivalent of millions of hydrogen bombs exploding at once. This is only ten percent of the suns energy. The charge of the suns flare creates a magnetic field that we can feel. This process takes only a few seconds, however because of the speed of light it takes it eight minutes to hit us.
Satellites in space detect particles from the Sun, this is vital, because if these particles hit the astronauts, they will have radiation poisoning of some kind. These satellites can detect these particles fifteen minutes apart.
They talked about how the first people on the moon were lucky that the sun's flares weren't constantly erupting. These flares have different levels of power. These are measured in satellites and in Pico-meters. These are measured from A being the weakest and so on. However the Earth can only take so much; our atmosphere would change over time. The biggest flare was the (Karangtin?) flare. This flare looked like a sea serpent or slugs put together. Then it flashed out in white light, this was important because most flares are not in visible light.
Solar flares are a factor in Auroras. A year ago a Solar flare took out the power grid. This was referred to as the Quebec blackout. Solar flares can take out the power for about two hours. This can be deadly in cold places.
Friday, October 17, 2014
APOD 1.8
APOD 1,8
In Kvaløya, Tromsø, Norway, a spectacular even was taking place a month ago. This is a auroral corona, it is an Aurora. Normally these auroras do not reach below sixty kilometers. An aurora is formed when electrons and protons bump into atoms in the Earth's atmosphere. I find this picture very interesting because it does not look like a normal aurora that I have seen before. This one overlaps its self, or it seems like that to me. It is also like a tent, /\ with the person in the middle taking the picture. This just is very intriguing to me. I also like the colors that this aurora represents. This aurora was able to be seen at a lower position than most other ones. This photo was taken at the Sessoyfjorden Fjord, and u can also see many stars in the background of this spectacular event.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
EP. 324: Sun Grazers Observation Blog # 3
Sun Grazers look like a tail across the sky. These are comets. The sun grazers all belong to the quartz sun grazers family. A long time ago, a big comet went around the sun and fragmented. These fragments are part of astronomical events happening since the 1800s. The Great Comet of 1843, had a tail of approximately 4 moons wide or 2 degrees. This was just a fragment of the original comet. People speculate that these comets could be from the the Great Comet of 1106, which may have been the original comet.
A sun grazer is a comet that gets between the Mercury sun distance, and get closer to the Earth than the moon. Wow that is really close can you imagine if these hit us. These comets are experiencing tidal forces which pull and push to rip apart these comets. The comet has to use its chemical properties to hold itself together. Comets are also made of frozen elements, which is the reason why you can see the a comets tail.
They are also getting beaten by the solar winds, these are not that effective as the other factors. These winds come from the Sun.
You can simulate a comet using an experiment that is located at
Comets are often very tiny, such as 1 meter big. There have been over 2400 sun grazers found.The fragments have different velocity, which allows us to see more comets every year. A whole new family of sun grazers may also be created in time.
Comets can die by diving into celestial bodies, or by eroding from too many cycles around the Sun. We need to know more data about how comets die. Sun watching satellites have different goals to accomplish. Some may detect particles or detect sun grazers. The comet Soho has been an important comet for observing. The minor planet center logs if the object in space have been found, if it has not then the comet is named after yourself.
A sun grazer is a comet that gets between the Mercury sun distance, and get closer to the Earth than the moon. Wow that is really close can you imagine if these hit us. These comets are experiencing tidal forces which pull and push to rip apart these comets. The comet has to use its chemical properties to hold itself together. Comets are also made of frozen elements, which is the reason why you can see the a comets tail.
They are also getting beaten by the solar winds, these are not that effective as the other factors. These winds come from the Sun.
You can simulate a comet using an experiment that is located at
Comets are often very tiny, such as 1 meter big. There have been over 2400 sun grazers found.The fragments have different velocity, which allows us to see more comets every year. A whole new family of sun grazers may also be created in time.
Comets can die by diving into celestial bodies, or by eroding from too many cycles around the Sun. We need to know more data about how comets die. Sun watching satellites have different goals to accomplish. Some may detect particles or detect sun grazers. The comet Soho has been an important comet for observing. The minor planet center logs if the object in space have been found, if it has not then the comet is named after yourself.
Observation Blog #1 EP 319: The Zodiac
This show talks about what a zodiac is and how astronomers use them. The astronomers use the constellations as bench marks to locate items. The zodiac is a group of constellations that form a whole variety of different animals and humans that the sun passes through and changes the alignment of those stars. They said that the current constellations names go back very far. In fact back to Ptolemy. They say that it is funny because, the chart of the constellation is not accurate enough to make precise predictions. For example Virgo the zodiac symbol lasts for 45 days, that means that I could be a Virgo not a Cancer. Astronomers use the Zodiac as a map of the sky, the use them to find objects in space. They say they name objects in the sky with a Latin letter. The name many things, such as the Age of Aquarius. They say we have to keep track of the position where we are, because its always changing.
Many cultures created constellations because it represented something important to them. For example the Chinese created zodiac depended on what month you are. Then they talked about a story about a horoscope. This is interesting the only celestial object that acts upon us is the moon. Its force is known as high tide and low tide.
Many cultures created constellations because it represented something important to them. For example the Chinese created zodiac depended on what month you are. Then they talked about a story about a horoscope. This is interesting the only celestial object that acts upon us is the moon. Its force is known as high tide and low tide.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Source Citations for Quarter 1 Biography
Norton, Stephen D.
"Nicolaus Copernicus Begins a Revolution in Astronomy with His
Heliocentric Model of the Solar System." Science and Its Times. Ed. Neil Schlager and Josh
Lauer. Vol. 3: 1450 to 1699. Detroit: Gale, 2001. 318-321. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Web. 26 Sept. 2014.
Nicolaus 1473–1543 Polish Astronomer." Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students. Ed. Paul F.
Grendler. Vol. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004. 189-191. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Web. 26 Sept. 2014.
Nicolas (1473-1543)." World of
Earth Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Vol. 1.
Detroit: Gale, 2003. 127-128. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 10 Oct. 2014.
Quarter 1 Biography Project
Biography of Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus was born on 1473 and died on 1543. Nicolaus was born in Torun,
Poland, when he was twelve, Copernicus's parents died. Copernicus was admitted
to a church by his uncle, who was a priest. His uncle gave him an education and
Copernicus attended University at Cracow. Copernicus went to Italy, despite his
full-time career at his church, cathedral of Frauenberg. At Italy Copernicus
studied church law, while also studied astronomy. He witnessed his first
astronomical event in 1497, where he saw the moon pass a start named Aldebaran.
After that in 1500, he witnessed a spectacular event, it was a lunar eclipse. In
1512, Copernicus built an "observatory", which was a tower with no
roof. Copernicus later created his own model and called it the Heliocentric
Model, and had a book called De
Revolutionibus. Copernicus states that celestial bodies around earth only
appear to circle earth because earth is spinning, moving every day for the
whole year.
Nicolaus in 1514, fabricated his
book De Revolutionibus, which was
later published only because of Rheticus's constant begging, even though Nicolaus's
book had a summary of it, that Rheticus made earlier. One of Copernicus's early
supporters, Erasmus Reinhold, made important changes to De Revolutionibus and Copernicus's first set of practical planetary
tables, Tabulae Pruticae. De Revolutionibus was unpopular, this is
because it went against the bible, this is because De Revolutionibus states that the Earth was not in the center of
the solar system, however Copernicus says that the Sun is. A guy named Osiander
was making changes to Copernicus's book. Once under pressure by Martin Luther,
who was fully against the Copernican theory, Osiander made a preface that
gained immense Copernicus look like a fool. Osiander stated that this
heliocentric theory was not actually being presented as a fact. Osiander did
not sagn his name under this preface, making it seem like Copernicus wrote it
and was tearing apart his own theory.. Nicolaus Copernicus's book did not do
well in his era, but in the future it helped many other astronomers such as
Galileo, Kepler, and Brahe. Kepler revealed the truth behind the preface and resurrected
Copernicus's theory of the heliocentric model.
Revolutionibus helped Galileo contradict Aristotle's Ptolemaic System,
which was the Earth being in the middle of the Solar System. Galileo was able
to contradict the Ptolemaic system when he saw, Jupiter's moons through his
telescope. This contradicted Ptomemaic and supported the Heliocentric system
because it was known worldwide, that the celestial bodies circled Earth.
Nicolaus started this astronomy
revolution, that made everyone rethink about their ancestors' theories. One
could say the Nicolaus was the matchstick of the revolution. Nicolaus was able
to think outside the box making people from the present and future relate to
Copernicus's theory. Copernicus had almost died from a stroke, and is said that
he was able to see his first copy of his book, De Revolutionibus.
APOD 1.7
APOD 1.7
This picture is just awe inspiring, it shows a beautiful coast; hovering above is more magnificent than the atmosphere, it is a moon eclipsing. This picture was taken off the Chilean coast. The sun is still able to be seen, while the moon is enveloping it. An interesting fact is that in ancient times our ancestors were able to find out that the Earth is curved was because during eclipses, they were able to see the shadows of the celestial bodies ( Earth and Moon) were curved because of their shadows. This picture also is what some people would call a blood moon, this is because when the moon is fully eclipsed it turns red and looks like blood. To end this blog, this moon was eclipsed recently, it was eclipsed on October 8th 2014.
Friday, October 3, 2014
APOD 1.6
APOD 1.6
Falcon 9 rocket launch and landing |
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